The Three+ Marriages sequel
The 3 Marriages in Context
The poet and speaker David Whyte describes three crucial relationships that each of us engage in, in our lives (1) LOVE 2) WORK, and 3) developing SELF.
During a first workshop in April we explored the relationship between these three.
In this workshop we recognise that our relationship to these three relationships (as parts of ourself) happen within a relationship to context, which is both specific and in the world currently within the context of ‘lockdown’ and a pandemic. Each of us will have a different story and relationship and understanding of that context.
In this workshop we will place the 3 Marriages into the current context and explore what shifts.
Hush now!
Something is emerging
Not the time for quick decisions now
We have an inkling
We can see it coming in from the periphery
We cannot know it yet
In the belly of the whale we travel
knowing we would have been places by the time we get out
Slowing down our movement, seeing more of what was, what is
Paying attention to the shedding, the dying parts of myself
The grief and the losses yet to come
What is falling away?
What is growing and emerging?
what can be felt on the horizon?
What relationships am I tending to?
In the subtle embodied realm – what is ready to be made known to us?
This process is a sequel to the constellations and creative workshop exploring the 3 Marriages.
However, you need not have done the first workshop to participate in this one is calling you.
Event details
Angela Hough-Maxwell
Angela is a psychotherapist, family constellations therapist, art process facilitator, yoga teacher & mother
Undine Whande
Undine is a family and systems constellations facilitator and trainer; she is also kundalini yoga teacher